Miniture Paintings
Preparing for the stall I've been considering a way to make my work affordable to anyone without working for £2 an hour. While seeing friends in London I found these 10 x 10 cm canvas boards in Cass Arts, as the were only £1.49 for three I thought I'd give them a go.
While in my studio I heard a bang on the roof and steeping out to see what I'd falling I found my tom cat peering down at me. I instantly had a subject for my first miniature. For these to work out I need to have them completed in a few hours, three or four at most. After some practice that will fall to around an hour and I can sell them for about £20/£25 each.

While in my studio I heard a bang on the roof and steeping out to see what I'd falling I found my tom cat peering down at me. I instantly had a subject for my first miniature. For these to work out I need to have them completed in a few hours, three or four at most. After some practice that will fall to around an hour and I can sell them for about £20/£25 each.

Cat on the Roof

Fox in the Sun

As I really enjoyed painting these I've found a supplier online which sells them for £0.15 each, bought around 30. My plan is to use them to relax away from more serious works. When I'm stuck on a larger painting I can lean back and bash one of these out once or so a day. It also means I can regularly update my portfolio on sites, constantly staying present in peoples minds.
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