Having spent a day photographing still lives I was excited to sit down and start painting. I used the photos to map out the shapes, and the fruit itself to observe the colours and textures. These are supposed to be small affordable paintings, worked on quickly so that I can charge no more than £50 each. I feel rather in-pure to plan work based on hours worked and time spent but paintings like this might be the reason I can work on large pieces. They are also a great way to teach myself techniques, mark-making and colour schemes. Still lives are a study in tone and texture, which in turn will aid my other art. Moreover my best paintings have been still lives, they seem to have more character than my other works, and are considerably freer in style and colour. They are working well but they lack texture and form. I've given up trying to paint the lemons in the oil colour 'lemon yellow' and have ordered some Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue. Should be here tomorrow, will see if that works better.
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